We get lots of frequently asked questions about our products and services, so have compiled a list of answers we hope will help you.
When are you delivering to xxx/my areas?
At this stage, all dates and areas are available on our website www.bushpieandmash.co.uk and through our social media pages @bushpieandmash. We are constantly adding new dates and areas, so keep checking!
We live one road away from an area you are delivering to, will you deliver to me?
Sadly we will not be able to accommodate this request. We have to stick strictly to the areas highlighted on the website. Please keep checking for further areas that may be added.
I have placed an order and paid, can I then go and amend that order?
Sadly we are unable to amend orders once they have been proceeded and paid for.
I have placed an order, can you tell me roughly when it will be delivered?
We are sorry but we are unable to give an exact time for delivery. We aim to complete home deliveries between midday to 6.30pm on delivery day.
I have a delivery coming but won’t be home, what happens then?
We will leave the food on your doorstep for you to collect.
Does food arrive hot or cold?
Our food arrives chilled and will require you to heat it up. Full heating instructions are provided with your order and on our website.
How much mash and liquor comes with the order?
For a ’single’ order it comes with one scoop of mash and 8oz of liquor. ‘Double’ comes with 2 scoops of mash and 16oz of liquor. The same quantity applies to gravy.
Where are you based?
We are based in Clapham, distributing to a wide radius.
Do you make pies suitable for vegetarians?
We serve vegetable pies and would advise you to visit our website for further details.
Are your pies suitable for vegans?
Sadly our pies are not suitable for vegans, we hope to be adding a vegan pie to our menu very soon!
Is any of your food gluten free?
Sadly at present our food is not gluten free. We are hoping to add gluten free products to our menu very soon.
Can I mix and match the box meal?
You cannot mix and match the contents of box meals. For example, can I have one chicken pie and one traditional pie? Can I have one liquor and one gravy? We cannot accommodate these requests and will only send you the box option you selected on the order form.
Can I meet you to collect my order?
Sadly no this is not possible. For safety reasons we can only deliver to the address provided with your order.
Is your liquor suitable for vegetarians?
Liquor contains eel juice, therefore is not suitable for vegetarians